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- Chu 20001
- I have been using the LOAD statement
- in a program. When I run the first
- program, the second program cannot
- load completely into my C-64.
- What is happening?
- Chu, Yu-Ling
- 800 6th Street N.W.
- Apt# 1003
- Washington D.C.
- 20001
- >This is a very good question! A
- large number of C-64 owners do not
- know what is happening.
- First of all, when you attempt to
- LOAD a BASIC program from another
- BASIC program, the second program
- MUST be smaller than the first.
- To get around this problem you can
- LOAD your programs like LOADSTAR
- does. Here is how we do it. First
- we clear the screen, then print the
- messages 'LOAD"name",8' and 'RUN'
- on the screen. Next we POKE
- carriage returns into the keyboard
- buffer. Last, we tell the computer
- that there is something in the
- keyboard buffer. Here is the code
- to acomplish this:
- 5 PRINT"[clr][down 3]LOAD"CHR$(34)
- "filename"chr$(34)",8"
- 6 PRINT"[down 4]RUN[home]"
- 7 POKE631,13:POKE632,13:POKE198,2:END
- By using this code, you can "chain"
- many programs together.
- *** NOTE ***
- This problem does not arise when
- LOADing such things as machine-
- language files. These type of files
- LOAD into the address from which
- they were SAVEd. Therefore, there
- is no problem unless the LOAD
- address of such a program happens to
- be inside of your program.
- I hope that this has answered your
- question. Good luck!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Besser 85302
- I have some questions that I hope
- someone can answer:
- I assume that because you publish
- names and addresses that it is okay
- to write to other suscribers?
- >Right! If someone does not want
- their address in our magazine, we
- do not publish it. We invite our
- subscribers to write to each other!
- If I send questions like these, will
- someone answer them on my disk before
- sending it back?
- >Your questions will not be answered
- on your disk. We try to answer your
- questions on the next issue of
- LOADSTAR, or to publish them and let
- our subscribers solve each other's
- problems.
- I assume that because storage is so
- easy that all back issues are and will
- be available so one could purchase
- back issues periodically so as to
- build a complete library without going
- to debtor's prison by buying all back
- issues at once. Assumption TRUE?
- >Yes! At present, back issues cost
- $9.95 or $7.95 each if you order six
- or more.
- Patrick Besser
- 5627 W. Eva
- Glendale,Az. 85302
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Haltinner 32514
- How do you erase a diskette With a
- sequential file on it? I use:
- OPEN 15,8,15
- then
- PRINT#15,"N0:MICHAEL'S.01"
- This usually works fine on a normal
- disk but if it has a sequential file
- on it my disk drive just runs for
- three minutes and the red led just
- flashes, and if you list the directory
- it has not changed. I would appreciate
- some advice.
- >If you are doing exactly what you
- have written, then it should work.
- The flashing light indicates an
- error, our guess is a read error, on
- the disk. When "N0:" without an ID
- won't work, then you should include
- an ID in the name. Instead of the
- period you need a comma.
- PRINT#15,"N0:MICHAEL'S,01"
- ^
- use a comma
- here.
- While I'm on the subject, how do I
- erase THESE comments so I may start
- again when I get this disk back?
- Thanks:
- Michael J Haltinner
- >To start off with a clean slate,
- just type:
- OPEN15,8,15
- That should let you start off clean.
- --------- <end of article> -----------